PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan on Tuesday said that the press conference by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General (DG) Maj-Gen Ahmed Sharif was “full of contradictions”, adding that he did not know what factors propelled the military spokesperson to give statements which had no “rationale and logic”.
Earlier today, DG Sharif said that any dialogue with the PTI could happen only if it “earnestly apologises in front of the nation”, promises to adopt “constructive politics” and forgoes “politics of anarchy”.
The DG ISPR made the remarks in a lengthy press conference in Rawalpindi just two days before May 9 — a day that holds significant importance in the country’s political landscape as it was on this day last year when military installations came under attack following PTI founder Imran Khan’s arrest, which formed the basis of a severe state crackdown against him and his party.
Speaking to the media today in Islamabad after the ISPR press conference, Hasan said the address reflected “a mind full of contradictions because at the end of it all I could not understand anything”.
He added that that he could not understand “why there is such frustration and what are the factors that propel them again and again to give such statements which have no rationale or logic”.
Hasan noted that the “most humorous” part of the ISPR press conference was there was “no danger to democracy”, adding that “danger is present to that which is present. What threat can there be to something that is not even present?”
The party spokesperson claimed that multiple attempts were made to target PTI. “However, as time passes and their frustration increases, there has been an increase in the intensity and venom targeting the PTI,” he added.
Hasan said he usually avoided material “devoid of substance or meaning” but the press conference he heard contained the kind of “venom” which is “not appropriate for state, society and the relationship with institutions”.
More to follow.
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