The Punjab government has introduced a novel and stimulating scheme to provide students with motorcycles on easy installment plans. The objective of this effort was to improve the quality of education and enable students to travel throughout the province more easily.
High Demand for Motorbikes Among Students
Since the announcement, the Punjab government has received an overwhelming response—more than 72,000—from students keen to take advantage of the program. More than 12,000 of these applications were submitted by female students, indicating the significant need for reasonably priced transportation among young women who are seeking higher education.
Increased Quota for Female Students
The Punjab government has decided to enhance the number of motorcycles allotted to female students in recognition of the necessity to assist them. At first, there were 20,000 motorcycles accessible to female students.
However because so many people applied, the quota was increased to 27,000. By providing more female students with access to reasonably priced and dependable transportation, this increase hopes to relieve them of the pressure of finding a place to attend school.
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