Washington: US President Joe Biden Remarks Spark Diplomatic Tension with Russia.

According to the details, in a recent address the American President Joe Biden once again stirred controversy by referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a derogatory term.

President Biden, known for his candid remarks, labeled Putin as a “thug” during a public event. This isn’t the first time Biden has used such strong language against the Russian leader, having previously called him a killer, dictator, prosecutor, and war criminal.

However, despite Biden’s sharp words, Putin has refrained from directly responding with harsh rhetoric, instead opting to extend wishes of longevity to the American President, amidst past verbal spats.

Putin’s stance seems to suggest that he believes Biden is a better counterpart than his predecessor, Donald Trump, as there is a possibility of predictability in dealing with him.

Read more: Widow of Navalny vows to continue husband’s opposition to Putin

The exchange of words underscores the ongoing tension between the two superpowers, with diplomatic relations facing strain amid differing perspectives on various global issues.

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