NEW YORK: Pakistan has been unanimously elected Chairman of the UN Disarmament Commission at its 2024 session, Pakistan’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations said in a press release on Monday.

Pakistan opened its 2024 session amid rising geopolitical tensions and concerns over deepening mistrust between some of the world’s largest military Powers, the statement reads.

The UN Disarmament Commission is a vital subsidiary organ of the UN General Assembly which makes recommendations on various issues in the field of disarmament.

The statement added that, the deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN Ambassador Usman Jadoon while speaking on the occasion assured to keep Pakistan’s ethos and tradition of multilateral diplomacy and be an honest broker and a facilitator of dialogue.

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“I will be listening to you patiently and attentively, and collaborating with the members of the extended bureau to utilize the available time efficiently and effectively,” he told delegates. The UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, was present, it added.

Additionally, according to the press release, Ambassador Jadoon said that it is a matter of great honor and privilege to have been elected as the
Chairperson of the UN Disarmament Commission’s 2024 substantive session. “I extend my gratitude to the Asia-Pacific Group for nominating me to this position, and to all UN Member States for reposing their confidence in me to lead the Commission’s deliberations this year,” he said.

Meanwhile, taking part in the general debate, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram said that the security environment in South Asia has deteriorated sharply in recent years, as the region’s largest state has embarked on a program of massive armament. He shared Pakistan’s proposals for a comprehensive program of disarmament.

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