“Last Eid, I was surrounded by my children, looking at them with joy. But today I am injured, unable to move or go anywhere,” says wheelchair-bound Hamaydeh in Rafah.

Palestinians visited the graves of loved ones killed in Israel’s military offensive on Gaza and prayed beside the wreckage of a mosque and in shattered streets as the devastating conflict cast a pall over Eidul Fitr.

Millions of Muslims around the world are observing Eid, with festivities, feasts and family gatherings. But few in Gaza can take solace from this special time for Muslims. After six months of crisis, their focus is on surviving Israeli air strikes, shelling, a ground offensive and a humanitarian crisis.

Amany Mansour and her mother stood at her young son’s grave, recalling happier times. She said the last Eid was the best one of her life.

“My son was beside me, in my arms, getting him ready. Everything he wanted I did for him,” she said.

“I wish he was here with me. He would go to the mosque in the morning and say to me ‘prepare my present for when I return’. Gone. Everything good about my life is gone.”

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