LAHORE: In a bid to root out corruption in the ranks of the Punjab Police, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz on Saturday announced plans to hold a “special court martial” of corrupt police officers.

The Chief Executive of Punjab took this decision while presiding over a special meeting in Murree to review the overall law and order situation in the province.

Among the participants were Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) Central Information Secretary Maryam Aurangzeb, Inspector General (IG), Interior Secretary, Chief Secretary, Assistant Inspector General (AIG), Capital City Police Officer (CCPO), Commissioner, and Regional Police. Officer (RPO), and other officials.

In the meeting, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz approved the implementation of a special audit system to identify corrupt elements and unprofessional behavior in the police.

This audit system allows courts-martial of police officers and officials who are “corrupt and involved in conspiracies with criminals.” In this regard, a complaint about asking for a bribe can be registered on the special dashboard of the Chief Minister.

The meeting also deliberated on the proposal to establish border security forces to prevent smuggling. He decided to set up a special police force active for every crime.

The forum also approved the continuation of the drug-eradication campaign. It decided to amend the legislation for the death penalty in cases of rape of women and children.

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz was directed to take strict measures to eradicate the culture of illegal arms in Punjab. He issued instructions to make more foolproof arrangements against kite flying and the use of metal wire for this purpose.

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He said that the protection of every citizen of Punjab is the first responsibility of the government. He said that the police will be provided with modern weapons, vehicles, night vision, and drones to ensure effective action for the permanent eradication of terrorism, smuggling, and gangs.

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