LAHORE: Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his spouse Jamileh Alamolhoda arrived here on Tuesday morning from Islamabad.

The Iranian president and his delegation was received at the airport by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. This is the first visit by a foreign head of state since the new government took power following the February 8 elections.

Read More: Iranian President’s visit: Public Holiday announced in Lahore on 23 April

A public holiday has been declared in the Lahore district.

Iranian President will first visit the Iqbal Mausoleum and then will reach Govt College University Lahore where he will attend a conference.

The Iranian President will next make his way to the Governor’s House, where he will meet with Maryam Nawaz, the Chief Minister of Punjab, and Baleeghur Rehman, the governor of Punjab.

The Iranian President and his wife will be honored with a lunch hosted by the Punjab Chief Minister. Following the meal, the Iranian President will depart for Karachi in the afternoon.

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