Judge Tariq Masood steps down from the bench of “military courts cases”
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Judge Tariq Masood steps down from the bench of “military courts cases”

ISLAMABAD: Justice Tariq Masood’s retirement from the bench, where he was considering the matter involving military courts, caused a rift in the Supreme Court. The court has announced that the decision to nullify civilian cases in military tribunals will remain on hold due to Justice Masood’s unexpected departure.

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The Court has stated that in order to create a larger and new bench to hear appeals pertaining to the military courts issue within the court, a Judges Committee would be established.

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It is anticipated that the Judges Committee would be crucial in changing the direction of the case and guaranteeing an impartial and thorough hearing. The Supreme Court continues to be dedicated to tackling the intricacies associated with civilian trials in military courts, even when the legal landscape takes an unexpected shift.

As the freshly assembled bench assumes responsibility for the case, more information about Justice Tariq Masood’s retirement and the events that followed will probably become clear in the days ahead.

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