Johan Galtung, a sociologist from Norway, known as pioneer and father of Peace and Conflict Studies passed away at the age of 93 on February 17, 2024.

Galtung is renowned for his contributions to the academic discourse on peacebuilding and earning the moniker “the father of peace studies,”  Galtung, who was honored with the Right Livelihood Award in 1987, was an ardent proponent of peace whose impact transcended national boundaries.

Galtung, who was born in Oslo, Norway, on October 24, 1930, devoted his life to promoting dialogue, reconciliation, and understanding in regions of global conflict. His paradigm-shifting, all-encompassing strategy for peacebuilding, which incorporated cultural and structural aspects, galvanized generations of peace activists and transformed the discipline of peace studies.

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Beyond academia, Galtung made contributions to peace and reconciliation. He assisted in the mediation of over 150 conflicts on a global scale, fostering reconciliation and establishing lasting peace processes. In addition, he ardently supported “peace journalism” as an alternative to reporting centered on conflict and violence.

TRANSCEND, an organization dedicated to peace and development, was established by Johan Galtung in 1993. Presently, it operates Transcend Peace University, which offers several online courses, Transcend University Press, Transcend Media Service, which provides current affairs content, and Transcend Research Institute.

In 1987, Galtung was honored with the Right Livelihood Award in recognition of “his methodical and interdisciplinary investigation into the catalysts that may precipitate peace.”

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