The dance video went viral on Social media of Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) Director General Saif Anwar Jappa, shows Saif Anwat dancing to the classic song of ‘Jhanjhar Di Pawan chankar’ of singing queen Noor Jahan.
The video showed the high-ranking official, who was recently appointed commissioner of Rawalpindi following the resignation of his predecessor, performing seemingly flawless steps to the tune of the ‘Jhanjhar Di Pawan Chankar’.
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Sharing the viral video on the social media platform Snack Video, his impeccable movements became the subject of online humor.
*⬆️ This is DG RDA Mr Saif Anwar Jappa, who has also been assigned additional charge of Commissioner Rawalpindi now. Who knows if there are more of his such videos in library of those who appointed him ………….. Probably the system will work in this fashion now…..* pic.twitter.com/458SRFJHUS
— colhazir (@colhazir77826) February 23, 2024
Concurrently, the video has generated backlash on social media, with users criticizing the DG RDA about it. They advised the officials to resolve public issues rather than produce such videos.
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