Islamabad: The renowned television drama “Ishq Murshid” has once again captured attention, this time for featuring a popular Sindhi song by Saif Samejo in its 22nd episode. The song, “سپنا سپنا تنھنجا سپنا ننڊ اچي ت ڏسان” (I will see you in my dreams but first let me fall asleep), written by eminent Sindhi poet Imdad Hussaini and sung by Saif Samejo of the Sketches music group, was incorporated into the episode, drawing widespread acclaim.
Director Farooq Rind’s decision to include the Sindhi song has been praised nationwide, with many lauding it as a step towards promoting cultural and linguistic diversity. Saif Samejo expressed his gratitude on Facebook, describing the experience as magical and thanking the drama series for embracing Sindhi poetry and music.
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The play, which stars Sindhi comedian Ali Gul Malah, has not only gained recognition across the country but has also achieved record-breaking viewership on YouTube.
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