Lahore- A guy was fined by the Lahore family court for getting married again without his first wife’s consent. Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan received a heavy punishment of Rs 500,000 in addition to a sentence of seven months in prison.

Judge Adnan Liaquat of the Family Court Lahore rendered the ruling in response to a plea that Zona Nasar had submitted. In court, the petitioner was represented by Barrister Usman G. Rashid Cheema, who argued for Nasar’s right to justice.

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In contravention of Section 6(5) of the Muslim Family Law Ordinance, Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan entered into a second marriage without the consent of his first wife, as the written ruling makes clear. It states that getting consent in writing from the first wife before being married to someone else is required. Khan broke the law, nevertheless, by moving through with the second marriage without following this formality.

Khan was given a seven-month prison sentence and a hefty Rs. 500,000 fine by the court. It further states that Khan would be imprisoned for an extra month if he does not pay the fine.

In court, Aurangzeb claimed that he had asked his first wife verbally for permission to get married again. He said that the father and brother of the first wife were also there when the consent was given. In addition, he claimed that his first wife had a health problem.

The accused entered into a second marriage on March 22, 2021, following their initial marriage on September 24, 2011. Moreover, the decision emphasizes how important it is for those who are thinking about getting married again to carefully study the legal system and make sure all the requirements are met. As this case illustrates, failing to do so may have serious legal ramifications.

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