Mumbai: Indian Police have successfully recovered a substantial portion of stolen gold, totaling 74-tola, in a case involving Indian actor Soumya Shetty. The recovery comes after diligent efforts by law enforcement authorities following a complaint filed by government official Prasad Babu.

The incident unfolded when Mr. Babu reported the theft of 150-tola gold from his residence, with suspicions pointing towards Shetty, who had befriended him some time ago during a movie audition. Investigations revealed a series of events leading to Shetty’s arrest, alongside 10 others allegedly involved in the theft.

Despite the recovery of a significant portion of the stolen gold, Shetty has indicated an inability to return the remaining amount. However, the police remain committed to their investigation and are diligently pursuing all leads in the case.

Babu recounted the sequence of events, mentioning Shetty’s frequent visits to his home and her alleged involvement in the theft. He expressed relief at the progress made in the case and thanked the police for their prompt action.

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The apprehension of Shetty and her associates underscores the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in ensuring justice and upholding the rule of law. The recovery of stolen property brings a sense of closure to the affected parties and serves as a deterrent to potential offenders.

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