ISLAMABAD: A sizeable sum of 125 million has been set aside by Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) for financial aid and scholarship initiatives. These initiatives are intended to support worthy, underprivileged, and intelligent students, according to AIOU Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood

He was speaking during the prize-giving ceremony honoring the students who had won merit scholarships and final year project grants for the autumn semester of 2023. Speaking at the event, he stated that 36,640 pupils in total profited from these chances the previous year.

He said that AIOU offers free matriculation education to residents of Gilgit-Baltistan, amalgamated districts (formerly FATA), and Balochistan. Furthermore, according to VC, the university reimburses tuition fees for merit scholarships awarded to deserving students who earn more than 80% of the possible points in each semester.

It is important to note that 129 students from different departments received merit scholarships in total for earning grades higher than 80% in the fall semester of 2023. In addition, funding for final-year projects have been given to thirteen students from three departments.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with university regulation, students who receive 80% of the possible points must apply for scholarships within the allotted time frame; failure to do so will not hold the institution accountable.

The Vice Chancellor gave the successful students their checks. Dr. Nasir Mahmood stressed that attaining success in life is mostly dependent on one’s ability to work hard. Merit scholarships are meant to motivate gifted individuals to finish their study. Other students will be inspired by this celebration and realize that the world is full with options for them.

Dr. Nasir further emphasized that all people have been endowed by Allah with equal potential, and the only thing separating the successful from the failed is the amount of effort they put in.

The Directorate of Students Advisory and Counseling Services was in charge of planning this event. Prof. Dr. Hajra Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences; Prof. Dr. Irshad Ahmed Arshad; and Syed Ghulam Kazim Ali, Director of Student Affairs, also spoke at the event and congratulated the winners.

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