ISLAMABAD: WhatsApp has added another tool that will help you filter your chats more effectively.
The new feature, known as “Chat Filters,” will allow users to easily search for messages from groups, specific contacts or businesses.
Users can organize, sort or prioritize their conversations based on certain criteria through chat filters in messaging applications.
Chat filters in messaging apps like WhatsApp help users find the most relevant conversations quickly and efficiently, just like filters in e-commerce platforms help users find the right products or job search platforms. Things like LinkedIn help users find relevant job listings.
Users can categorize their conversations based on various factors such as sender, keywords, groups or time, making it easy to manage a large volume of messages with chat filters.
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This feature is similar to organizing emails using labels or categories in Gmail.
“As people do more and more things on WhatsApp, it’s more important than ever to get to your messages quickly. That’s why today we’re launching new chat filters so you can scroll through your entire inbox. without being able to do so,” WhatsApp said in a press release.
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