Pakistan’s first lunar mission, iCube Qamar, has been successfully deployed in orbit, Dr Khurram Khurshid, a member of the core team at the Institute of Space Technology (IST) said.
This mission was assessing and verifying the lunar orbit.
There is a possibility of receiving the first images of the moon through IQube Qamar by May 15 or 16. Afterward, the analysis and research of the moon’s images will commence.
Dr. Qamar-ul-Salam, Dr. Khurram Khurshid, and other Pakistani scientists and engineers are currently in China for this mission. ICUBE-Qamar was launched from China on May 3.
Receiving images from the moon is a technically complex process.
It has a CubeSat Satellite iCube-Q, developed by IST, featuring miniature satellites typically characterized by their small size and standardized design.
Pakistan’s ICUBE-Q orbiter, which has two cutting-edge optical cameras, is ready to take breathtaking pictures of the lunar surface.
Since the moon does not have enough volcanic activity to support studies on it, the satellite will collect samples of rocks and soil that include more preserved components from the moon’s early development.
Read More: LIVE: Launch of Pakistan’s historic ICUBE-Q lunar mission
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