ISLAMABAD: Journalist Orya Maqbool Jan has lodged a formal complaint against the Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa, accusing him of gross misconduct. The complaint, filed with the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) under Article 209 of the Constitution of Pakistan, calls for an inquiry into the conduct of the Chief Justice.
The complainant Orya Maqbool Jan addressed to the senior judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, outlines several allegations against Chief Justice Isa. The primary accusation revolves around a letter dated May 3, 2024, reportedly written on Justice Isa’s instructions, addressed to the High Commissioner of the United Kingdom in Pakistan.
This letter was purportedly in response to remarks made by the High Commissioner at the Asma Jahangir Conference in Lahore on April 27, 2024.
The complaint mentioned that CJP Qazi Fae Isa’s actions constitute gross misconduct, violating the Code of Conduct for judges. Specifically, it is claimed that Justice Isa’s directive to the Registrar of the Supreme Court to write the letter represents a breach of judicial propriety, as it involved engaging in public controversy and addressing a political question.
The complaint cites Article II of the Code of Conduct, which mandates judges to be “wise in opinion, cautious and forbearing,” and Article V, which prohibits judges from seeking publicity and engaging in public controversies.
Additionally, Orya asserts that Justice Isa’s actions encroach upon the domain of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an area outside his judicial purview. By attempting to act as a spokesperson for the ministry, the Chief Justice has allegedly overstepped his constitutional role and jeopardized Pakistan’s diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.
The complainant highlights that the letter in question was made public, drawing significant media attention and casting the Supreme Court of Pakistan in a controversial light. This, it is argued, demonstrates a disregard for the principles of judicial conduct and an inappropriate desire for publicity.
The complaint calls on the Supreme Judicial Council to investigate the matter and provide a report to the President of Pakistan, recommending the removal of Chief Justice Isa if he is found guilty of misconduct.
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