Sobia Khan

“I think my struggles have only shaped me into a better person. I can now stand up for my community and speak against the injustices [we face],” says Sobia Khan, a trans woman from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), who is contesting the upcoming general elections from PK-84.

The transgender community in KP has been at the receiving end of unabated violence for several years now. The situation has become so critical that prominent NGOs are calling on authorities to address the safety concerns of the community. Discussing the issue, Ms Khan emphasised that there is a severe lack of social protection for trans people in the province.

“The murders happen because nobody takes the responsibility to protect us. We have always been on our own. As a member of the trans community, I will raise these concerns and ensure they are brought forward,” she said.

Ms Khan, who has completed her BA, struggled with unemployment herself. In the initial years of her career, she was rejected just on the basis of her gender identity. Her manifesto also centred around women and transgenders, as she aims to build a safer society for such vulnerable groups.

“My manifesto is inspired by my community, and all the struggles we have endured. [Once in office] I aim to bring the changes we have always dreamed of,” she said.

“There are many trans people who, despite being very educated, are deprived of their rights by the state. I will become their voice and make sure they’re being heard,” she added.

She also aims to work for the reduction of violence against women. She believes that through her education and her influence in the community, she is capable of understanding the hurdles common members of the marginalised community are facing.

Ms Khan emphasised the importance of the state incorporating and hiring transgender people in various departments. According to her, this inclusion will inspire other members of the transgender community to pursue similar paths in the future. “Not even one transgender in KP is employed. How are they supposed to survive if they do not have a job,” she said.

Published in Dawn, January 17th, 2024

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