In a letter written to the interior ministry, the Punjab government requested the suspension of social media applications including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, X (Twitter), TikTok, etc across the province during Muharram
The decision, along with tightening security arrangements, was taken during the Standing Committee of Cabinet on Law and Order (SCCLO). Punjab Home Department argued that shutting down the internet would not be enough as it causes problems for the general public. To address, misinformation and hate material SCCLO has decided to ban social media platforms as it was used to disseminate hate material.
According to sources, the provincial government had decided to go beyond the suspension of internet and mobile jamming for Ashura after receiving information of “cross border elements attempts” to disrupt peace in the country.
Sources said that the Punjab government had initially planned the suspension of social media on days of Ashura (Muharram 9 and 10). However, the information from intelligence agencies forced it to go for more stringent measures to maintain law and order during the holy month.
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