The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) has decided to end its protest in Gwadar, Balochistan’s interior minister confirmed on Friday, after the two sides signed a seven-point agreement.

The BYC has been holding protests for almost a week at the Marine Drive in Gwadar and other areas to decry the alleged human rights violations against the people of Balochistan, enforced disappearances, and alleged extrajudicial killings of the Baloch people.

As previously reported by, clashes erupted between the protesters and the security forces, killing three protesters and injuring at least 24. BYC leader Dr Mahrang Baloch claimed that over 200 people were arrested by security personnel.

Following days of protest, negotiations between the government and the BYC began on Wednesday evening after which officials announced that talks had been “successful” and BYC had agreed to call its sit-in off after signing a deal.

“Negotiations between the Baloch Yakjehti Committee and the district administration have been successful and the organisers of the committee have agreed to end their sit-ins across the province,” Balochistan’s Interior Minister Mir Zia Ullah Langov said in a statement.

“I appeal to the people to protest, but do not damage the protest site, attack the forces, or hurt the common people,” he said, adding that the government would “not allow anyone to take the law into their hands under the guise of protest.”

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