In polls, Trump has a commanding lead ahead of Tuesday’s crucial primary in New Hampshire.

In a blow to Donald Trump’s closest rival and fellow South Carolinian, Senator Tim Scott of the United States has backed him for the Republican presidential nomination.

Tim Scott, who withdrew from the 2024 presidential contest in November, joined Trump on stage in New Hampshire to lend his support prior to the state’s crucial primary the following week.

Scott told Trump fans in Concord on Friday, “We need a president who sees Americans as one American family, and that’s why I came to the very warm state of New Hampshire to endorse the next president of the United States, President Donald Trump.”

As a candidate, Scott emphasized the Christian faith and conservative ideals he acquired from his single-parent upbringing. His campaign, however, was unsuccessful. Scott contended that Trump will lower taxes and unite the country.

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“A president who brings our nation together is what we need,” stated Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate.

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador who nominated Scott to the Senate in 2017, was not mentioned by Scott.

After Trump’s decisive triumph in last week’s Iowa caucuses, Haley is counting on a good showing in New Hampshire on Tuesday to maintain her presidential bid.

Haley, who received Vermont Governor Phil Scott’s endorsement earlier on Friday, is now behind Trump in New Hampshire by a significant margin, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis coming in third.

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In an effort to concentrate on defeating President Joe Biden in November, Trump urged supporters in New Hampshire to assist in quickly wrapping up the Republican contest.

“We want to win by big numbers,” Trump said, “so everybody has to vote.”

Trump also disparaged his opponents, calling DeSantis’ decline in the polls as “one of the greatest self-destructions I think I’ve ever witnessed” and asserting that Haley was “not capable” of serving as president.

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