KARACHI: The Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate was recorded at ₨74.10 PKR, in the open market on September 26, 2024, while the selling rate was Rs 74.33 on Wednesday.
The Saudi Riyal depreciated by 23 paisas against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) in yesterday’s open market.
Date | Latest Exchange Rate | CHANGE |
September 26, 2024 | Rs. 73.85 | -23paisa |
As of September 25, the Riyal rate stands at Rs73.85 in the open market. So, the 500 Saudi Riyal will equal Rs36,925 in Pakistani currency. The Riyal rate is traded at Rs73.85 in the open market. So, the 1,000 Saudi Riyals will equal Rs73,850 in Pakistani currency.
Currency |
Buying |
Selling |
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