KARACHI: The UK Pound (GBP) to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate was recorded at Rs369.85 for buying and Rs 373 for selling in the open market on September 30, 2024.
The Pound sterling dropped -1 Rupee 4 paisas against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR).
Date | Latest Exchange Rate | CHANGE |
September 30, 2024 | Rs. 369.85 | -1 Rupee 4 Pisas |
As of September 30, the open market’s pound rate is Rs 369.85. So, the 500 UK pounds will equal Rs183,300 in Pakistani currency. The pound is being traded at Rs 373.35in the open market. So, the 1,000 pounds will be equal to Rs366,600 in Pakistani currency.
Currency |
Buying |
Selling |
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