LAHORE: According to the most recent health sector reports, Punjab is dealing with an increase in dengue cases in the middle of the year. Ali Jan Khan, the secretary of health, gave updates on the worrying state of affairs.
A new dengue case has been reported in Punjab during the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to a rising total. There have been 20 confirmed cases since the start of the year, which presents a worrying image of the disease’s prevalence in the area.
Read More: Punjab is seeing an increase in dengue cases 15,113 so far this year.
Six people are receiving dengue treatment at Punjabi hospitals right now. One of them is seeking medical attention in a Lahore hospital, adding to the city’s growing total of 12 dengue cases this month.
Dengue fever is spreading even to Faisalabad, where there have been two cases reported in the city this month.
In the past 24 hours, there has also been a new dengue case in Rawalpindi. As of now this month, there are three dengue patients in Rawalpindi.
Read More: Bangladesh grapples with record deadly outbreak of dengue fever
Residents are asked to exercise caution and take the required safety measures to stop the spread of dengue as health officials seek to contain the outbreak. The goal of the tightly monitored scenario is to treat virus-affected individuals as soon as possible with high-quality medical care.
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