KARACHI: A burst pipeline at the Dhabeji pumping station has exacerbated Karachi’s ongoing water crisis, leaving residents desperate for water and sparking widespread protests across the city.

According to the details, Karachi is currently experiencing a severe heat wave due to which the demand for water has increased significantly.

However, the water corporation supply to the city has been severely disrupted. Due to the bursting of the pipeline at the Dhabiji pumping station, the water distribution has been affected in various areas, which has intensified the crisis.

Residents of different areas have come out on the streets due to shortage of water. In an unusual form of protest, citizens have stopped water tankers on the roads and started opening their valves, which have started leaking water. This has also adversely affected supply from government hydrants.

Water Corporation sources revealed that the Safora hydrant had to be shut down due to public protests as civic tankers stopped and poured their water on the roads. Similarly, all the valves of the tankers outside the Safora hydrant were opened, due to which the water corporation had to close the hydrant.

A similar situation is also in the Landhi Future Colony hydrant where the residents have shut down the hydrant in protest and the electricity supply to the Future Colony Landhi hydrant has been suspended for three days due to which the water supply has been suspended.

Sources said that crush hydrants one and two are also closed due to lack of electricity. The same problem is also affecting the Sherpao South hydrant where power supply is also out.

According to Water Corporation sources, only two hydrants, Napa and Sakhi Hassan, are currently supplying water to the residents of the city. Five hydrants are inactive due to power outages and public protests, affecting water supply across Karachi and leaving residents desperate for every drop of water.

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