Lahore Weather Forecast; Hazy Sunshine with cool winds in the city

Lahore: The current temperature in Lahore is  21°C.The weather is described as “hazy sunshine,” indicating the presence of haze in the atmosphere with sunshine. The perceived temperature is 1°C, accounting for factors like humidity and wind. The perceived temperature in the shade is 9°C.

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Max UV Index:

The maximum UV index is 3, categorized as “Moderate,” indicating a moderate risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure.


The wind is blowing from the south at a speed of 21 km/h.

Wind Gusts:

The maximum gusts of wind observed are up to 23 km/h.


The relative humidity is 61%, indicating the amount of moisture present in the air.

Indoor Humidity:

The indoor humidity level is 39%, considered ideal for comfort.

Dew Point:

The dew point is 6°C, indicating the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor, leading to dew formation.


The atmospheric pressure is rising and measured at 1012 millibars.

Cloud Cover:

The sky is covered by clouds to the extent of 51%.


Objects can be seen clearly up to a distance of 15 km.

Read More: Lahore Weather Update for next 7 Days; Cloudy horizon, pleasant weather, and chances of rain

Cloud Ceiling

The height of the cloud base above ground level is 10400 m.

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